One node Nutanix installation

Installation of 3 Storage Devices

Nutanix requires 3 storage devices to function:

In my setup, I used an NVMe SSD for the CVM, a SATA SSD for data storage, and an external USB drive for the hypervisor.

Storage Device

For the installation, you will also need another USB drive (minimum 16GB) to boot from the Nutanix ISO.

After downloading the Nutanix ISO from the official website, you need to use Rufus to create the bootable USB drive. (Don’t waste your time trying other software, I’ve already done that for you 😅)

BIOS configuration

Before starting the Nutanix installation, make sure to enable some important options in your machine’s BIOS:

Choice of hypervisor

One of Nutanix’s great strengths is its ability to work with different hypervisors:

In our case, for simplicity, we will use the Nutanix AHV hypervisor.

Nutanix installation

Soyez patient, l’installation prend quelques minutes Ă  diffĂ©rentes Ă©tapes, ne vous inquiĂ©tez pas : ca s’installe !

Alors on boot sur la clĂ© USB et l’installation va commencer. Vous arriverez sur une Ă©tape importante : l’attribution des disques et la configuration du rĂ©seau.

Disk and Network Configuration

C’est ici qu’il faut prendre le temps de configurer les disques et le rĂ©seau et choisir l’hyperviseur.


If you downloaded the correct Nutanix ISO, AHV should be pre-selected: leave it as is.


For the disks, you need to select the 3 disks you prepared earlier and assign them the letter corresponding to the system that will use them:

And [I] corresponds to your installation device (The USB drive in this case)


If you have configured the network correctly, you should know the information to enter for the network configuration.

In my case, I will assign the following information:

Node #1

Node #2

Node #3

We will see the cluster IP address during cluster creation.

You can finish the installation until you have a terminal on the system.

Nutanix configuration

Now that the OS is installed, we will configure the system:


Nutanix AHV

Identifiant : root

Mot de passe par défaut : nutanix/4u

Nutanix CVM

ssh nutanix@

Identifiant : nutanix

Mot de passe par défaut : nutanix/4u

Base configuration


localectl set-keymap fr-azerty


timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Paris


hostnamectl set-hostname node-1

Create the cluster

Pour crĂ©er un cluster, assurez-vous d’avoir l’ensemble de vos nodes installĂ©s et configurĂ©s.

Puis vous pourrez lancer la création du cluster avec la commande suivante depuis le node principal :

cluster -s,, create

If you encounter this error:

2025-01-01 08:07:50 CRITICAL cluster:600 Could not discover all nodes specified. Please make sure that the SVMs from which you wish to create the cluster are not already part of another cluster. Undiscovered ips : x.x.x.6,x.x.x.7,x.x.x.8,x.x.x.9

Restart the nodes specified in the error and try the command again. If it still doesn’t work, you can directly consult the dedicated thread for this error.

This installationprocess will take 15-20 minutes to complete.

Once the cluster is created, you will be able to access it from the web interface :

Nutanix Login

username = "admin"
password = "nutanix/4u"

And change the password of the admin user.

It is then necessary to connect with your NEXT (Nutanix account) account :

Nutanix NEXT

Tadaaa 🎉 ! Your cluster is ready to use !

Nutanix Dashboard